Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The Crochet Project

The crochet project has been a great experience to me even though it was challenging and tough it was challenging and tough. Crocheting for the first time was as easy as I normally used to see mothers, aunts and grannies crocheting. Wow women are so amazing when it comes to designing and weaving, just using some balls of wool. Manufactured products such as jersey, tea-pot covers, toddler shoes, blankets, to lots of clothing.
These pictures show some of what I did whit my techniques I gained in class.

Crochet to me is a new skill which I had more fun with it during the time I was thought by my lecturer. I found it challenging and tough when I was alone in the bus, taxi and at home because the was no one to teach me to do it. Even my friends they used to laugh at me saying I was doing it wrong butt also damn they did not kwon how to do it. I am proud of myself that at least I have made some few links which did make a chain and as well I managed to make few stitches. I believe my results may not be that good on this crochet project but in my own words “when I got time and someone who knows how to crochet I’ll ask him/her to teach me on how to crochet over from basic to a better level.”